Experiential Learning Cycle

Adapted from Heron, J. (1990). The Complete Facilitator’s Handbook. London: SAGE Publications.

The Experiential Learning Cycle is a framework for whole-person learning design developed by John Heron (Heron, 1990). While this cycle can enhance any collaborative meeting, it's particularly valuable when groups need to address challenging topics. By creating space for participants to connect with their full range of emotions and experiences, as well as their cognitive abilities and insights, the cycle helps people access their creativity and sense of agency in addressing complex issues.

"Experience has a structure. Change the structure and you change the experience." - Steve Zuieback

As a meeting designer, your agenda shapes more than just the schedule - it determines how people collaborate and connect. The structure you create can either enhance or inhibit participation, directly influencing the meeting's outcomes and success.

The Experiential Learning Cycle centers on four domains that honor different ways of knowing and understanding. By incorporating all four domains into your meeting design, you support participants in contributing in ways that respect their full humanity. While you don't need to allocate equal time to each domain, including all four is essential:

  • Affective: Engages emotions and feelings. This domain is the foundation for any meaningful conversation about equity or belonging.

  • Imaginal: Activates intuition and opens possibilities for addressing challenging work. This domain helps participants tap into their creativity to envision new approaches and solutions.

  • Conceptual: Builds and clarifies shared knowledge and understanding that is essential for group progress. This domain helps create common ground.

  • Practical: Focuses on planning and taking concrete actions to advance toward outcomes. This domain transforms insights into tangible progress.