Custom Professional Development

No estudio para saber más, sino para ignorar menos.
I don’t study to know more, but to ignore less.

– Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz

In addition to our open-registration offerings, the National Equity Project provides tailored professional development to districts and organizations that will:

  • Renew your team's commitment to creating meaningful and lasting change

  • Equip leaders with innovative skills, concepts and tools

  • Catalyze fresh thinking and actionable strategies

Institutes & Learning Series


  • Our foundational leadership development experience helps participants develop inclusive leadership practices and create supportive environments for historically underserved communities. We focus on cultivating self-awareness, system understanding, and practical frameworks for improving collaborative relationships and building teams and alliances in diverse settings.

  • Coaching skills help leaders become more effective. Develop and practice a refined approach to support colleagues in becoming better teachers, teammates, and leaders.

  • Learn to create collaborative experiences that move beyond task lists. Gain essential knowledge for setting conditions that enable productive discussions around challenging topics, along with facilitation skills to respond to group dynamics.

  • Learn an innovative approach combining human-centered design thinking with complexity awareness. Develop skills to lead change and create more inclusive teams, organizations, and systems that address current challenges while building foundations for long-term transformation.

  • An affinity-based leadership development experience for Black educators focusing on personal and professional growth, leadership strategies, and sustainable practices within challenging contexts.



We offer focused workshops on:

  • Navigating complexity as leaders

  • Coaching and management practices

  • Student-teacher learning partnerships

  • Effective meeting design

  • Recruiting and retaining diverse teaching staff

  • Addressing implicit bias

  • Using affinity structures

Community of Practice

Follow up session(s)

We facilitate ongoing learning communities to deepen understanding, share experiences, reflect on challenges, and connect with colleagues in similar roles.

Delivery Methods


Virtual professional development is delivered in 1-6, two to three-hour interactive learning sessions conducted online in Zoom for up to 60 participants.

We are intensely focused on humanizing our virtual spaces. We focus on interactivity and connection (these courses are not webinars), frequent screen and body breaks, and attending to learning, collaboration, practice, and healing in community. Participants receive electronic versions of all resources and tools.


In-person professional development is delivered in half to full day sessions. Participants receive both a physical and electronic resource packet and tools.

On Your Schedule

Schedules are customized for your organization; sessions can be delivered over consecutive days or spread out across a few months.

Learn more

Contact Us

To learn more about bringing customized professional development to your organization, please contact