Coaching for Equity
In Person Institute
Upcoming Institutes
We are working on scheduling our next Institute. Please sign up for our newsletter to learn more or visit our Events Calendar for other opportunities.
Everyone can use coaching skills to become a better leader. During this institute, you will develop and refine your coaching practice to support people in your school, district, or organization to become more effective teachers, teammates, and leaders. Participants will examine their own coaching style with a focus on equity while practicing new coaching skills with each other.
Learn a range of coaching skills, including:
Approaches and stances to establish rapport and trust in coaching relationships
Coaching interventions that build the capacity of individuals to create greater equity
Tools and frameworks to plan, implement, assess, and improve coaching
In addition to coach practice and skill development, you will:
Learn and experience approaches for understanding, raising, and addressing equity issues through the practice of coaching
Reflect on who you are in this work and what skills and knowledge you need to be successful
Deepen your understanding about what it means for you to support the learning, growth and development of another adult.
About the Institute
Frequently Asked Questions
New or experienced education and leadership coaches and consultants
Principals, school administrators, and instructional and teacher leaders
Directors, Associate Superintendents, and others responsible for training or supporting educators or coaches, or those looking to implement or improve a coaching program in their district or organization
Educational management organization staff
Directors of Equity, DEI leaders, and/or school, district, and university teams working on equity or achievement gap initiatives
Managers from any sector who are responsible for coaching and developing staff and teammates
Because this Institute requires attention to building a learning community, we recommend full attendance for the duration of the institute.
Please see the event registration page for detailed payment info.
Registration by credit card is our preferred method. We are a small (but mighty) organization and processing and collecting check payments for our events has a high administrative impact.
Click here for information on paying by check or purchase order.
Information about cancellations and registration transfers can be viewed here.
Reach out to us at