Leading for Equity

In Person, Residential Institute

Upcoming Institutes

We are working on scheduling our next Institute. Please sign up for our newsletter to learn more or visit our Events Calendar for other opportunities.

About the Institute

For over 20 years, our Leading For Equity (LFE) Institutes have provided teams with transformative opportunities for sharing, reflection, and planning. Participants deepen their commitment, relationships, and efficacy while developing strategies toward equity goals. Teams receive expert, caring guidance and facilitation to work together to address the personal and technical challenges they face in their educational equity efforts.

This residential, four-day, three-night institute provides the space and extended time together for deep conversations and meaningful relationship-building and strengthening. Surrounded by nature, teams experience expanded opportunities for both individual and team reflection, dialogue and planning.


  • The history and effects of racism and bias in institutional policies and practices

  • Individual and organizational dynamics that impede the success of change efforts


  • The importance of emotional intelligence and trust in leading equity efforts

  • Concrete skills for leading change in challenging contexts toward your equity goals


  • Improved collaborative relationships

  • New alliances across difference

  • Research-based protocols, tools, and other resources for equity-focused leadership and team development.

Grounded in our Leading for Equity Framework, this experiential Institute supports leadership development from the “inside-out”: participants are supported to see, engage, and act in transformative ways to lead for equity with increased agency, purpose, and efficacy.

Participants Say

“This experience empowered me as a changemaker. It was clear from the beginning that NEP facilitators bring their entire hearts and selves to this work and I appreciated the thoughtfulness and engagement of my peers and colleagues. Thank you for creating this space for our group and providing room for us to grow.”

— Allie Bateman, Ford Next Generation Learning

“This is the most important professional development I've participated in. The facilitators guided and supported us through complex content and made it entirely accessible no matter where you are on your equity journey.”

— Karen Cowe, Ten Strands

My experience was a balanced and wonderful combination of being held and being pushed. The flow and organization of the entire retreat is so well crafted to be caring and motivating. I’m leaving with so much love in my heart, and also with intentions and ideas of how to bring this transformational work to my organization.
— Joycelyn Hunter, Avenues Sao Paulo

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Teams of 2-8 from schools, nonprofit organizations, foundations, or others interested in deepening their knowledge, commitment and agency to lead efforts to transform inequity at the individual, institutional, and systemic and societal levels.

  • This is a residential, in-person offering.

    Our residential LFEs are four-day, three-night institutes held at beautiful retreat centers surrounded by nature. They provide the space and extended time together for deep conversations and meaningful relationship-building and strengthening. This longer version of the institute includes additional content and expanded opportunities for both individual and team reflection, dialogue and planning.

    Participants will be lodged in single rooms. There are a limited number of spaces for shared lodging in a single room with separate beds. These can be reserved at a discounted rate with another team member on a first come, first served basis. If you have any concerns about lodging, please email events@nationalequityproject.org.

    We do our best to accommodate special requests, but may not be able to meet every request. We thank you for your understanding.

  • Because this residential institute requires attention to building a learning community, we encourage full attendance for the duration of the institute.

  • Please see the event page for detailed payment info.

    Registration by credit card is our preferred method. We are a small (but mighty) organization and processing and collecting check payments for our events has a high administrative impact.

    Click here for information on paying by check or purchase order.

  • Information about cancellations and registration transfers can be viewed here.

  • Reach out to us at events@nationalequityproject.org.