Liberatory Design for Equity
3-week, 6-hour workshop
Wednesdays, March 12 - 26, 2025
9:30 - 3:30 PM PDT
About The Course
We are all living in challenging times that our past experiences and training may not have sufficiently prepared us for. What inequities are more visible now? What inequities are emerging? How can we start designing the equitable future we want to live in now?
Liberatory Design is an approach grounded in the National Equity Project’s Leading for Equity Framework that knits together human-centered design thinking with an equity lens and a complexity stance.
Many leaders approach their system’s challenges and change initiatives as complicated problems to solve, but equity challenges are more than complicated – they are complex with unknown problems and unknown solutions. For complex challenges like developing a distance learning plan, addressing disproportionality in discipline, even developing a new strategic plan, emergent solutions must be found through dynamic interactions of diverse people and networks working together.
Liberatory Design pushes participants to move toward dynamic approaches to problem solving and decision-making and can support your efforts to lead change and create more equitable teams, organizations, and systems in ways that respond to this moment and lay groundwork for longer term transformation.
Participants will:
Develop an understanding of the Liberatory Design Approach, including the non-linear “process” for weaving this approach into their work and the mindsets needed to take careful and effective action
Develop and use equity, complexity and design lenses to clearly define their equity challenges and take quick, productive, liberatory steps within their spheres of influence
Generate ideas and actions to take between sessions, and after the course, to apply the Liberatory Design approach in their work
Regularly share their applications and insights with other participants in service of creating a learning community and deepening our collective understanding of the Liberatory Design approach
Participants Say
“NEP has a deep understanding about how to do equity work right, which means getting the right people at the table and letting them drive the discussion. I came out of this training with a much clearer picture of how to engage others in important dialogue and have conversations and meetings that will actually lead to change, rather than just talking around the important issues.”
– Joy Lile, WA State Department of Children, Youth, and Families
“NEP hosted leaders from across the country, in contexts that were at times quite disparate and helped us use a design lens to think about how we consistently improve our teams, schools, organizations, etc. They built a truly collaborative learning space, where we were able to connect early and often and build on one another's ideas.”
- Kareem Sayegh, The Network for College Success
“The human-centered, designed-centered approach to education is what's missing in the American education system. NEP helps us think about and design actions that lead to better adult and student experiences that change the outcomes for everyone.”
– Maurice Swinney, Chicago Public Schools
Frequently Asked Questions
Courses are delivered in weekly live, 6-hour interactive learning sessions conducted online in Zoom for 3 weeks. Each session will be delivered in a live, 6-hour interactive learning session conducted online in Zoom. Attend the live session with facilitators and fellow participants and gain new knowledge and skills to bring back to your own context. Participants receive electronic versions of all resources and tools.
We are intensely focused on humanizing our virtual spaces. We focus on interactivity and connection (these workshops are not webinars), frequent screen and body breaks, and attending to learning, practice, and healing in community with people around the world.
District Office Managers & Directors
DEI and Directors of Equity
Program Directors
School Leaders
Board Members
Foundation leaders
Nonprofit Executive Directors and Managers
Independent consultants
Anyone charged with implementing initiatives or projects involving multiple people and groups
We provide an advance draft of our slide deck 24 hours before the session and enable live transcription and closed caption during the live Zoom session. Our sessions are recorded (absent any technical difficulties) and can be accessed for up to 30 days after the course concludes.
Because our trainings include attention to building a learning community and interaction with other folks in small groups, we encourage full participation for the duration of the training.
Registration by credit card is our preferred method. We are a small (but mighty) organization and processing and collecting check payments for our events has a high administrative impact.
Click here for information on paying by check or purchase order.
Information about cancellations and registration transfers can be viewed here.
Reach out to us at