Center for Equity Leadership

Nothing can stop the power of a committed and determined people to make a difference in our society. Why? Because human beings are the most dynamic link to the divine on this planet.

– U.S. Representative John Lewis
Across That Bridge: Life Lessons and a Vision for Change

Connect. Heal. Innovate. Inspire.

Our Center for Equity Leadership provides a range of open registration professional development opportunities for leaders at every level of school districts, nonprofits, foundations, government and communities. All of our training and professional development offerings can also be custom delivered for your organization. View our full calendar of upcoming events and learn more about our offerings below.

In Person Institutes

  • Coaching for Equity Institute

    Develop and refine your coaching practice to support people in your school, district, or organization. Participants will examine their own coaching style with a focus on equity while practicing new coaching skills with each other.

  • Designing and Facilitating Meetings for Equity Institute

    The institute offers essential knowledge and skills for setting the conditions for effective collaboration focused on equity work and facilitation skills to support you to respond to the dynamics of your group.

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    Leading Equitable Change in Complex Systems

    Strengthen your approach to leading complex equity efforts by exploring complexity frameworks, reflecting on your own leadership, and developing skills to navigate change work. Note: This is a hybrid offering, 2-days in person with a 3-hour virtual follow up.

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    Leading for Equity Institute

    Our residential Leading for Equity Institute supports teams to develop individual and collective leadership at every level of schools, districts, foundations or nonprofit organizations. Teams of leaders deepen their commitment, relationships, and efficacy while developing strategies toward equity goals.

  • Abstract icon of a lotus flower above a Black teacher in front of three students.

    Black Teacher Leadership and Sustainability Institute

    An experiential, in-person Institute hosted by our Black Teacher Project focused on developing strategies for Black teacher leadership and sustainability. Black teachers share, reflect and set intentions for how to lead from the classroom while deepening their commitment, relationships and agency.

  • Black Teacher Wellness Convening

    The Black Teacher Wellness Convening is a 2-day opportunity to be immersed in a cocoon of Black love where participants will reconnect to ancestral wisdom and their humanity as Black educators and leaders.

Multi-Session Virtual Courses

  • Learning Partnerships & Teaching for Equity

    This course provides a framework for building trust with students across differences of identity and tools for leverage that trust in service of increased student engagement and thriving.

  • Coaching for Equity

    This course offers an in-depth introduction to our Coaching for Equity framework and approach. Develop and refine your coaching practice to support people in your school, district, or organization.

  • Red icon of individuals meeting around a table

    Designing and Facilitating Meetings for Equity

    This course provides practical strategies for cultivating the conditions necessary for effective discussions on equity, navigating unique dynamics, and fostering deep connections and engagement within your groups.

  • Icon of a sun with flower petals around it

    Liberatory Design for Equity

    Liberatory Design is an approach that knits together human-centered design thinking with an equity lens and a complexity stance. This course will guide you through a non-linear process for weaving this approach into your work.

Single-Session Virtual Workshops

  • Hiring & Sustaining Black Teachers

    This workshop is designed to support school leaders in learning best practices to recruit, hire, and retain Black teachers.

  • Icon of three heads with a lightbulb above

    Introduction to Liberatory Design

    This workshop is a basic introduction to Liberatory Design Mindsets and Moves. For a deeper dive, check out our Liberatory Design course.

The NEP Training Experience

In-Person Institutes & Offerings

Our in-person Institutes and offerings are skillfully facilitated experiences to support individuals and teams to learn, collaborate, and design together. These intentional and experiential opportunities are powerful ways to catalyze your team by building trust and community through shared learning and transformative facilitation.

Virtual Courses

Courses are delivered in weekly live, 3-hour interactive learning sessions conducted online in Zoom for 4 or 6 weeks. Attend live sessions with facilitators and fellow participants; learn and practice new skills both in session and in your own context between sessions.

Virtual Workshops

Workshops are 3-hour interactive sessions where participants will engage with a single focused topic, connect with other equity leaders around the world, and gain new tools to add to their equity practice. Workshops are bite-sized nuggets of knowledge, frameworks and tools that are delivered in a highly engaging way.
